Monday, December 5, 2011

Work of the day

When I think about experiences with my past jobs, I think of a particular one. It was my absolute worst experience ever. It’s funny though because it’s the one my mother and I always can look toward for employment. The title was HSBC telephone book distributor, if you want to be fancy about it. All my mother and I did was drive to a random houses, get out of the car, walk up to their door, and place a phonebook next to the door. It was a super boring job and when gas prices rose, it made the job that much worse. The only benefits to that job were that we could stop working whenever we wanted and we did not get paid hourly but instead for the amount of work that we produced. This way, if I was at school without anything for lunch, my mother could just leave and take me out with her. Other than those, the job was absolutely terrible. The job had horrible pay, the main location is over 43.1 miles away, the books dealt a bunch of stress to the human body, and I took almost every drop of your leisure time plus work time. My mother constantly complained about her back while she was working and guess what, the company doesn’t have any benefits for the lower level employees. We burned  gas and put heavy stress on our car and for what? We did it just to be able to pay month to month? That job did not show any kind of networking opportunities or promotions in which we could have used in order to do more than just get by. My mother and I knew that we just had to keep on pushing. The second I would get off school, I knew that in some for, whether I have to go out and physically drop off the book or wrap them in bags for her, I knew what was expected and it quickly became the normal of the family in order for u to make it through.

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